Thursday, May 21, 2009

Connections, connections, connections!

Tania and I were able to showcase our project at the Canadian Counsellor's Conference held in Saskatoon, SK yesterday...and what a day of connecting with like-minded people...WOWSA! I would like to mention the people that truly will make a difference to us and the people we connect with...

two fabulous women Darlene Ouimet and Tammy Morales of Face to Face who want to help us to create a platform on our website in which we can connect with all of you...face to face, online!!

Suzane Proulx of SUMAE who has expertise in non-verbal communication (body language) and symobolism. An incredible process that optimizes individual thinking processes and decision making through the use of focusing and the recognition of symbolism! Suzane is such a spark!

Liz Coben of Turner Coben Event Marketing Inc. who gave us the opportunity to attend this conference in their Trade Show at such a pivotal location because the call for papers were already chosen last year, yet!

Joelle Emond of Ecole St-Germain and a member and website manager of the Manitoba School Counsellor's Association who will post our site as a resource for families - thank you!!

We sat beside Ivy Armstrong of the University of Saskatchewan who works in Recruitment & Admissions, who is a bright and bold 24-year old woman who has a lot of life figured out, impressive! She touches families lives so beautifully by teaching music and mentoring teenagers in Air Cadets, as well.

Leah Deans of the Adoption Support Centre of Saskatchewan Inc. who says we may be asked to speak so that these parents will know that it is actually quite common that parents of adoptive children ALSO experience Postpartum Depression!

We also connected with the organizer of this incredible event, Barbara MacCallum, and were asked to submit a proposal to speak in next year's conference in Charlottetown, PEI!

Finally, a large thank you to Christine M. Gatzke, a Clinical Psychotherapist and friend, who introduced us to this conference in the first place!!

What a day filled with synchronicities! We are so grateful for each and every one of you for your support for us and the families we have and will be connecting with! We are immensely grateful we had the opportunity to show you our thanks for all the awareness you helped bring to our own families :)

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

A woman and her mission that I would like to bring your attention to...

Natalie Dombrowski, the author of "Back to You," founder of S.P.E.A.K. (Spread Postpartum Education & Awareness Kinship) and writer of She will be having her first radio interview that is going to be aired on May 8, 2009 at 9:00 am central time in honour of Mother's Day and Mothers everywhere. Tune in on Thursday it will be broadcast from Chicago, May 7th at 9:00 am on 91.5FM; Anyone, anywhere can listen on-line at So spread the word!! We are such kindred spirits ;)

Happy Early Mother's Day!!

Here's a link on our website of Mothers' Stories ~ Mothers who have chosen to share their stories of hope and healing! Our one and only, Tania Bird, has also included her story that was written by her friend Colleen Opseth for one of her university courses! Sharing the awareness happens in a myriad ways and we thank each and every one of you who have chosen to embrace their experiences and share with the rest of the world! Enjoy...

Monday, May 4, 2009

The Canadian Press is also spreading the awareness around Postpartum Mood Disorders!!

Check out the latest article that our Carla O'Reilly had a HUGE hand in!! Here's to health, wealth and awareness! Thank you Dominique Jarry-Shore of "The Canadian Press!"

The Smiling Mask has exploded!

We have connected with women across Canada and all over the world! The mask has been destroyed and mothers are speaking their minds and unveiling their own truths! Check out our website to read “Women using their voices,” the more we connect, we realize the world is a small place and we can heal each other by education and validation!

When I was suffering alone and looking for more information I came across a website with information about Postpartum Psychosis. The heartbreaking realization was it was brought forth with a tragic ending. Carol Blocker of Chicago lost her Daughter Melanie Stokes to Postpartum Psychosis and she is also on a mission to create awareness in the United States. I was shocked when a number was listed on the site and I called Carol thinking a voicemail would pick up my message. Instead a real voice answered and it was Carol! As I cried on the phone, I thanked her for the information that helped me so long ago and shared my story.

As we move forward in our journey I would like to remember the women that have suffered needlessly and encourage our followers to look to the future. Excerpt from “The Smiling Mask-Truths about Postpartum Depression and Parenthood”...

I believe that the initial first step of admitting that I had a problem and asking for medical help was what saved me. Going to the hospital on that grim day when I could not bear it any longer saved my life. I believe that finding a Postpartum Depression support group gave me the best coping skills and helped me to heal at a deeper level. Feeling validation from others and that I wasn't the only one dealing with this illness was also very important. The friends I made at the support group guided me to new ways of thinking about life and eventually encouraged me to be a survivor and not a victim. We were united together and we realized our full potential. We survived by using many tools and skills, and it is now our mission to spread the word and give hope to other women and families that are suffering. I have now accepted my illness as a gift that will create awareness and give hope to other people living in this inner “Hell.” Women need to ask for help, to find a support group or start a support group, to stop blaming themselves, and stop being a victim to this illness. Being a mother and creating life is the most important thing in the world. We are creating the children of the future. We need to take hold of our power, and remember our strengths.

I made a choice to survive and not be a victim to this illness ~ Carla