Thursday, October 21, 2010

The MotherFirst Report is available for download!

Well, we used our voices and the MotherFirst Report was endorsed, today, Thursday, October 21st, 2010 by the Minister of Health, Honourable Don McMorris, in Regina, SK!!

PLEASE find your copy here to download, and disburse to anyone and everyone ~ it's the grassroots movement that will make the recommendations occur that much faster and stronger! YOU HAVE THE POWER IN YOUR HANDS BY ASKING TO BE SCREENED WITH THE EDINBURG POST-NATAL DEPRESSION SCALE!! Start the conversation, NOW, with your Doctor, Obstetrician, Public Health Nurse, Counsellor, Social Worker, or by simply calling the Healthline at 1-877-800-0002! If you're a healthcare practitioner with questions, please direct your email inquiries to !

It's by putting the Mother, first, that will ensure the health and well-being of our children ~ our future!

A heartfelt thank you for your support and energy to this movement!

The MotherFirst Working Group

Monday, October 18, 2010

Another Saskatchewan Healthcare First!

You are invited to witness another SASKATCHEWAN HEALTHCARE FIRST!

WHEN: Thursday, October 21st, 2010
TIME: 11:15 am – 11:30 am
LOCATION: Legislative Building, Regina, SK (Ask at the Security Desk for further directions.)

Witness the Minister of Health, The Honourable Don McMorris, make Canadian history as he endorses the MotherFirst Report - it will be made available for download after the announcement at and ! The report recommends education for the public and all healthcare providers, as well as, screening (for anxiety and depression) and treatment for every pregnant and post-partum woman in our province!

We are the first province within Canadian that will have the most comprehensive support for mothers and their children!!

The official announcement will be 15 to 20 minutes in length. It will cover Dr. Angela Bowen's explanation of the recommendations, to then have the Minister verbally endorse the recommendations. Finally, our Team, with husbands in tow, will express our absolute enthusiasm for the developments that are occurring in our province! Please come if you are
able as we would LOVE to have the entire room full with our family and friends! This is a magnificent celebration!!

Plus, there will be an evening PUBLIC MotherFirst Report presentation with Dr. Angela Bowen and a showing of The Smiling Mask documentary (free of charge):

WHEN: Thursday, October 21st, 2010
TIME: 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm
LOCATION: Royal Saskatchewan Museum, Regina, SK (corner of Albert Street and College
There will also be a Q&A session, including Darren and Ward, following the viewing.

**** Please share this information with all your contacts who may be interested.

With immense gratitude!
Carla, Elita & Tania

NOTE: An e-Learning event will happen on Wednesday, November 17th, 2010,
8:30 am to 12:00 pm, including a psychiatrist, psychologist and nurses to
discuss screening, medical management, and treatments.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Thankful in our Hearts and Minds

On behalf of the three of us, we want to say how much we are grateful for our Ambassadors, who continually support our mission to destroy the mask! Your encouragement and support have nurtured our families and yours, to where we are all today!

Finally, after two years, each of us are at peace. We are no longer ashamed and know that after manifesting The Smiling Mask, we can only continue to follow our dreams!

We are so excited for the future and know that the possibilities are endless!

When you live in a place of gratitude, inspirational words become gold. My beautiful friend, Tania, gave me this loving quote for my birthday. She said the following quote made her think of me. I am in awe, as I know I received everything I wished for after dreaming! We all have the power to do this and I feel all the same for you...

I have a premonition that soars on silver wings,
It is a dream of your accomplishments
Of many wondrous things,
I do not know beneath which sky
Or where you ‘ll challenge fate,
I only know it will be high,
I only know it will be great!
~ Anonymous

With love this Thanksgiving on behalf of The Smiling Mask Team!

Carla , Elita and Tania