Saturday, October 10, 2009

Conference & documentary update...

The Unmasking Postpartum Depression conference went beyond our wildest expectations! We were thrilled with the attendance, participation from everyone and passion from which the medical community spoke. It was evident by the enthusiasm in the room that change will occur in our jobs, community and approach to Postpartum Disorders. Education combined with empathy will have a positive impact to mothers, fathers and families suffering. The end result will have a positive and affirming impact on our children, our future!

We also had the opportunity to sneak-a-peak at our 40-minute documentary that serves as a resource for families and medical professionals. It was an absolute delight to be viewing it for the first time, surrounded by family and friends! Here's some of what our audience had to say…

Hearing the voices of those who experienced PPD first hand brings a new dimension to the illness and their stories. Seeing the raw emotion and the hope of healing with both the women who lived it and the husbands who stood by them helps the viewer gain perspective and insight. This is a must see for all couples as a testament to "in sickness and in health", and how love and courage mixed with hope can heal. This documentary creates a window for anyone whose mother, sister, aunt, cousin or friend experienced PPD; to understand the tug-o-war between the head and the heart, between love and fear for her child.
- Jill Poulton, Mother, Motivational Speaker, and Success Coach

Although the stories told in the film were familiar to me, having already read the excellent book, I was struck by the visceral impact of the images and the emotions presented. Even the most innocuous photograph of a mother and her baby is replete with meaning, and the images presented in "The Smiling Mask", accompanied by their stories of overwhelming confusion and despair, become a heart-breaking dichotomy of joy and sorrow. Fortunately, the film's message of hope rises above all of its pain, and assures sufferers of PPD that they are not alone, and never were. I recommend this film to any person with least spark of empathy in their soul.
- Dan Carr, Father and Web Developer

The documentary will be available for December, so purchase your copy, now, for the pre-sale price of $9.95, at and promote Education, Empowerment, Encouragement and Empathy!

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