We would graciously like to thank you for your tremendous support in the past two years! Your belief in our mission to create awareness, acceptance and assistance for women and men struggling with Postpartum Depression (PPD) has brought forth a widespread healing vibration, encouraging changes in our health care system, and providing increased initiatives both, provincially and federally. As reflected in 2009, we made many positive connections with mothers and fathers, and in turn healed ourselves. In fact, many mothers have come forward to share their own stories of hope and healing at http://www.thesmilingmask.com/page/showcasing_stories . We thoroughly encourage fathers to share their especially compelling stories.
Our goal for 2010 is to continue to destroy the stigma of PPD by promoting the four"E"s: Education, Encouragement, Empowerment, and Empathy. A very powerful, yet, simplistic strategy to ensure a healthy mother, healthy family and healthy community! We want to continue to spread our message, not only to PPD sufferers, but to anyone who is suffering from depression and anxiety, who is riddled with pain, guilt, shame or sadness. You always have the power of choice and the ability to pivot your thoughts and choose to heal. And...that first step is to know it's your birthright to ask for help!
We are also proud to acknowledge the heart and care demonstrated by the health care providers and mothers who attended, listened and formed the"Call for Action" regarding further education and support for families struggling with PPD. The "Call for Action" has now been included in and our team has been invited to participate in the newly formed provincial working group, "Maternal Mental Health: Building Capacity in Saskatchewan." This group was created by Dr. Angela Bowen of theUniversity of Saskatchewan to propel policy change! More information will be sent out, soon.
We would love to hear from you at
And, if you have missed us, please take a moment to listen to our stories of healing showcased at the successful “2009 Unmasking Postpartum Depression”conference, held in Regina, SK athttp://www.thesmilingmask.com/page/what_to_do_-_what_worked_for_them_guide!
With immense Gratitude!
Carla O’Reilly, Elita Paterson & Tania Bird
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