Thursday, August 19, 2010

History in the making!

History was made on Tuesday, August 17th between 11 am and 12 pm in Regina, SK!!
Not only for our province, but for our country when Minister of Health, Don McMorris, met with Dr. Angela Bowen, Jamie Petty and I, and readily agreed to endorse the first-ever MotherFirst recommendations for our province!

There is history in the making for Canada, also, as other provinces have been watching our work and wanting to move forward with our comprehensive recommendations of education, screening, and treatment through sustainability and accountability - all of these actions to ensure emotional well-being for mothers and their children! We will update you as the momentum continues!

An ENORMOUS "Thank you!" goes to Dr. Angela Bowen and the 34 other members that represent the entire province of Saskatchewan who are on the SK Maternal Mental Health Working Group
for creating such a "commendable report!" These are Minister McMorris' words! Thank you to each and every one of our Smiling Mask ambassadors who have also wholeheartedly supported this endeavour and believe that a happy and healthy mother makes for a happy and healthy family!

The next step for our province is evolving our working group into an implementation committee to guide the government toward the health of all mothers and children by creating regional implementation committees throughout the province.

If there are mothers and others out there in the world that want to share our recommendations to their powers that be, know that the report will be available for download in the fall! We'll be sure to make you aware so you may share it freely and joyfully!

Grateful beyond all understanding!!!

Elita, Carla & Tania

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